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Synthetic grass could be helpful to green environment?

Grass yard is helpful to environment

It’s fortunate to have even a tiny yard in London. It deserves winning horticultural or environmental awards. Grass generates oxygen consuming CO2 and grass itself makes you relieved mentally.

Yard contains grass, bush or hedge and an old apple tree that provides shade, and a water feature, making it a haven amid heat wave especially. The majority of individuals naturally gravitate towards shaded parks.

Green yard. Backyardlover

We all desire grass, hedges and trees in unusual kind of heat in summer. Areas with urbanised hard surfaces typically have substantially higher temperature than increases are a result of the destruction of flora, which alters how the ground absorbs and releases energy.

Tree-covered regions in cities have a substantially lower and surface temperature compared with neighbouring areas, according to recent studies by biologists and gardeners.

Artificial grass requires more maintenance

There are flyers advising to rip down lush garden and replace it with artificial grass that supposedly “nearly care free”. They display barren, plant- free gardens with emerald- green artificial “lawn” that is made of polyethylene blades.

The lifeless green carpets are framed by paving stones and concrete planters, their grim designs delivering the message that there are no living things allowed here.

Why artificial grass is not green in way you may expect? Contrary to what the advertisements would have you believe, artificial lawns require more maintenance. And in the heatwave, your feet will be burned.

In heat wave, just picture how depressing those dazzling white slabs and synthetic grass are. Bitumen and concrete both get hotter than artificial lawns. Without a single blade of grass and no flora to provide shade, they function like furnaces and give out a terrible plastic melting odour.

If you have fake grass in your lawn, don’t allow your dogs or cats to play on it since it has burned their paws.

Artificial lawns end up being very labour intensive to maintain. To keep them cool, they need to be watered. They require specialised cleaning supplies to remove ordours and stains. To remove leaves, you even need to vacuum them.

If there were no negative repercussions, it would be amusing. Due to shadowing and transpiration, which occurs when water in a tree is released as water vapour through its leaves, trees and grass have cooling benefits.

Biodiversity, wild habitats and anti flooding by urban gardens

The decline of biodiversity is grave. Urban gardens are even more essential in supplying a habitat for birds and insects as a result of the widespread destruction of the countryside caused by urbanisation.

The perspective is gloomy now that there are no gardens that have been concreted over. Nothing is guaranteed. Flowerers, butterflies, bees, Blackbirds, tits, wrens and sparrows have tweeted.

There is a lot of public of rage around the decline of birds, bees and butterflies.The Newcastle City Council decided to avoid using fake grass in landscaping.

A bolder ban on artificial grass is in place in Quebec, while horror gardens have just been outlawed in numerous German locations, including Nuremberg. Although their disease concerns gravel rather than fake grass, the problems are the same.

According to the council, gravel gardens have no cooling effect, the hard surfaces increase the risk of flooding and horror gardens are terrible for biodiversity.

Sir James Bevan, chief executive of the Environment Agency, warned of the impending doom for British wildlife by quoting from Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring.

He said that the biodiversity problem poses just as grave an existential risk to humanity as climate change and urged the use of natural remedies to stop the startling declines in the number of animals.

As usual, there is a gap between this worrisome date and how most people continue to act in an environmentally destructive manner. It is difficult to persuade people to act in a way that is friendly to nature when so many individuals choose to exterminate all life in their own backyards.

But there must be regulation. Nothing positive can be said about artificial grass. The rubber granules are poisonous, recycling is challenging, it eliminates biodiversity, and you can’t even sit in the garden in the summer.

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Source: BBC News