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Investment in EVERY Co Vegan EGG Technology by Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway invests in vegan egg technology EVERY Co

The actress Anne Hathaway has invested in a business that produces egg protein without using birds by employing precise fermentation. She says “I’m proud to back this vision.”

Anne Hathaway invests in vegan egg firm EVERY

Headquartered in Silicon Valley San Francisco Precision Fermentation(PF), a method used by The EVERY Co also known as EVERY is a method for producing protein utilising microorganism tanks.

The Devil Wears Prada actress Anne Hathaway stated she is glad to be a part of the firm’s development and that this is her first investment in a B2B company. Her commitment for an unknown sum brought the company’s total funding raised to $230 million.

Hathaway stated in a statement that the need to overhaul our food system has never been clearer or more urgent. Nature-equivalent animal proteins, like EVERY has been produced, are a crucial element of the jigsaw. She’s glad to support the optimistic outlook for the future.

The biotechnology of EVERY Co

A lot of businesses are looking at using PF(Precision Fermentation) to develop more environmentally acceptable alternatives to animal goods, and EVERY(formerly Clara Foods) is one of them.

The company, which sees itself as an early pioneer in the field, was launched in 2014 and develops its ingredients through precision fermentation, a method popularised by the likes of Impossible Foods and Perfect Day.

It also asserts that it was the first to produce egg and pepsin proteins without using any animals. What are allegedly the first macarons ever prepared using vegan egg white utilised EVERY.

To date, EVERY item has been utilised to create an adaptogenic hard juice with the beverage firm Pulp Culture and a green smoothie with the juice brand Pressed. EVERY adds the partnership with innovation group AB InBev, global investment ZX Ventures.

In collaboration with the artisan store Chantal Guillon, its components were also utilised to create what are thought to be the first macarons in the world created using vegan egg whites.

Ingredients giant Ingredion also distributes EVERY’s pig free version of pepsin. It is an enzyme ingredient used in a variety of food and pharmaceutical products.

Instead of raising animals on farms, PF brews proteins using fermentation technologies. The end product is indistinguishable from animal protein, according to EVERY.

Not only are the proteins it produces better for the animals, but they also utilises less water and land and produce less greenhouse gas emissions. It’s a ESG company. ESG is environmental, social and governance.

EVERY CEO Arturo Elizondo stated, they are excited to join with visionary investors like Anne to move forward their goals to rethink how creators feed and nurture the globe.

Their ultimate goal is to make animal-free protein available everyone, every where, and to lay the groundwork for the better food future that we all deserve.

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