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A Particle Tachyon beyond the speed of light makes time travel possible

A particle Tachyon that makes Time travel

Does a Particle Exist that is Capable of Time Travel? The answer may be a hypothetical particle, but time travel would still be challenging. Indeed, the tachyon, a fictional particle is capable of going back in time.

One problem is it’s not found yet. Before finding of blackhole, blackhole was just a theory. A hypothetical group of particles always moves faster than the speed of light.

In Einstein’s experiments, we used the term “meta particles,” but now we refer to them as tachyon, CREATED IN 1967 from the Greek word for “fast.”

It would be odd to have tachyons. Tachyons would be equally confined on the opposite side that elusive threshold, just as we big things could never ever go faster than the speed of light.

Tachyons can not slow down without gaining mass, and it would take an unlimited amount of energy to slow down to the speed of light. The tachyons’s mass must be imaginary in order for this to operate.

But only mathematically, its mass would be multiplied by a factor equal to the square root of -1. Tachyons seem like they wouldn’t be much of a problem at first.

You could go in a rocket ship, and I could send you tachyon communications from Earth. The tachyons would get to you before the photons conveying got to your telescope if you were gazing back at me via one.

Tachyon. MindMatters

Although a little strange, that doesn’t necessarily go against the laws of physics.

A paradox of time travel

The issue is that you might start to create some quite bizarre scenarios with tachyons. You may, for instance, go in a specific direction at a specific speed and reply to me with a tachyon signal.

The signal might reach me before i transmitted the original if you build the rocket ship exactly properly. Let’s say the signal I receive in response contained a command to disable my transmitter.

The transmitter can only be shut down by receiving your signal, but I can only receive your message if I first send mine. If I send send out a signal, that means that my transimitter has already been ruined.

I am unable to broadcast the signal, though, if the transmitter was damaged.

One of the several time-travel paradoxes that might arise while moving faster than light is this one. This indicates that tachyons are probably not real, while it doesn’t specifically rule them out.

Since nothing in our universe moves faster than the speed of light and always moves in the direction of the future, it appears impossible for humans to transmit signals into the past or go backward in time.

Unproven or impossible?

According to the “causality protection conjecture,” which was put out by physicists, travelling faster than the speed of light and back in time is categorically impossible.

This theory has not yet been confirmed and is only that a theory. We hope that some day we will be able to create a physics law that will explain why it is impossible to go into the past, or it’s possible to go into the past.

Time travel cannot be discussed without first discussing the speed of light. In the cosmos we live in, nothing can move faster than the speed of light. Massless particles, like light itself are the only particles that can travel at the speed of light.

Anything with even a little mass will be unable to travel at the speed of light. That’s because acceleration requires an unlimited amount of energy since the quicker you move, the more massive you get.

At light speed, your mass is limitless. Nevertheless the speed of light is more than just a measure of how quickly things can move. It is a representation how quickly different items may affect one another.

The speed of causality, or the quickest method for one cause to produce an effect and for another even to be influenced by it, is really the speed of light.

You could outrun causality if you travelled at a speed greater than the speed of light. Or, to put it another way, travelling faster than light entails travelling faster than time itself, making it possible to travel back in time.

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Source: discovermagazine