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Pentagon’s UFO head says aliens might be our solar system’s mothership

Pentagon’s UFO head

Aliens might be our so solar system’s mothership, says the Pentagon’ s UFO head.

Alien mothership. MSN

According to a report published on 7th March 2023 by the chief of the Pentagon’s unexplained aerial phenomena research division, it’s possible that alien motherships and smaller probes are visiting planets in our solar system.

In a research report co-authored by Abraham Leob, chairman of the Harvard University astronomy department, Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, speculated that an artificial interstellar objects.

Which might be a parent craft that releases a number of small probes during its close approach to Earth, an operational construct not too dissimilar from NASA missions.

Kirkpatrick formerly held the position of top scientist at the Defence Intelligence Agency’s Missile and Space Intelligence Centre until being named as the AARO’s head in July 2022.

According to a Pentagon news release, the AARO was created to look into mysterious “objects of interest” near military sites. Loeb, on the other hand, rose to fame when, in October 2017, he claimed that our galaxy had already received its first space traveller.

Objects of interest in Hawaii 2023

Around that time, an object was discovered by the PanSTARS telescope in Hawaii passing through our solar system at a rate that led some scientists to hypothesise that it was coming from anther galaxy.

The object’s orbit also suggested that it was subject to factors other than the sun’s gravitational pull. It was given the name ‘Oumuamua” by scientists, which is Hawaiian for “scout” and which Kirkpatrick and Leob use in their study as an illustration of a potential mothership with probe capability.

If properly designed, these tiny probes may, like “Oumuamua”, each Earth or other planets in the solar system for investigation when their parent vessel passes by within a small portion of the Earth-Sun distance.

The shower of mini-probes does not reflect enough light for current survey telescopes to pick them up, thus astronomers would not be able to see them.

The study, titled, “Physical Limitations on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,” comes after a month of increased focus on unidentified flying objects, a trend that was sparked when a Chinese spy balloon captured the nation’s attention by gliding into US airspace.

Later, three more mysterious items were discovered. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-New York, and Marco Rubio, R-Florida, together with 12 other senators, wrote Deputy Secretary of Defence Kathleen Hicks and Deputy Director of National Intelligence Stacey Dixon on 16 February 2023 to demand full funding for the AARO.

The senators said that the prior funding proposal from the Biden administration for fiscal year 2023 only covered the office’s essential running coasts. In addition to increasing openness for the American people and lowering stigma, AARO dangers and hazards to the US,, according to the legislator’s letter.

The Depart of Defence and the Intelligence Community must work together for AARO to be successful in its endeavours.

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Resource: military times

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