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In 2023 5 plant based trends and innovations for health to watch


Plant based cuisine is becoming more mainstream every year, with many more people taking up a vegan lifestyle or limiting the amount of meat, fish and diary product that they consume.

This helps protect animal welfare and promote a healthy lIfestyle. As these vegan culinary options begin to increase, let’s examine more closely some of the mail plant based food trend in 2023.

Vegetables take a leading role

Over the last few years, many different meat alternatives have come to light, and are available in supermarkets worldwide. There are some people who believe that the market for vegan meals is becoming saturated, but it’s clear they have gained some kind of foothold on supermarket shelves.

These meat alternatives are typically much tastier than they used to be, however they still have competition in the form of the humble vegetable. For instance, instead of vegan mince, one can use lentils as a meat substitute, and legumes make a good protein substitute in lieu of meat.

Pulses are also another fantastic meat substitute, and one that won’t break the bank in such cost of living conscious times. There are hundreds of other delicious vegetable based dishes that don’t use meat or dairy.

Next time you’re at the supermarket, keep your eyes open for them, and try enjoying.

Vegan cheese is delightful

Vegan cheese is an awesome dairy alternative to conventional cheeses, and the taste and texture achieved by today’s creations are pretty close to their dairy based cuisines.

Most vegan cheese on supermarket shelves are made from a base of coconut fat, and starches, however there is a newer wave of vegan cheese made form much healthier ingredients like pulses, brown rice and nuts.

More competition in the market combined with extra research funding into the industry is starting to bring the best out of the selection sold by vegan cheese manufacturers such as British brands like I AM NOT OK, and Honestly Tasty for a wide variety of delicious and tasty vegan friendly cheeses.

Plant based seafood substitutes

Vegan fish certainly had a strong showing in 2022, growing in popularity with vegan consumers. This side of the vegan food market has a much smaller market share when compared to meat protein substitutes.

vegan salmon. fish focus

But innovation and development of great textures and delicious flavours are helping this sector compete. Most of these fish substitute varieties are of the breaded kind that copy the likeness of fish fillets.

Revo, an Austrian based plant base fish manufacturer produces yummy smoked salmon, and Dutch PLNT FOOD makes tuna and crab style substitutes.

Jens Moller Productions from Denmark goes for the finer things in life, and has innovated a special seaweed based caviar called Caviart. Anything is possible nowadays.

Plant based foods brands into restaurant menus

Luxury restaurants are slowly catching on to the vegan food demand, and many dishes are popping up the cater to a vegan lifestyle on their menus. Even Marco Pierre White’s exclusive restaurants have put Redefine Meat’s 3D printed steaks on their menu.

3D printed vegan steak. reuters

And Bute Island provides Sheese which is a soft cream filling to several restaurant dishes. It appears that in 2023 even more restaurants will be providing such vegan options to their clients more regularly.

Baby plant based food

As adult diets shift, so does concern about what kind of delicious safe and nutritious food including protein, calcium and vitamin B12 they are feeding well their children.

There is an increase in baby food brands that are creating plant forward products with the goal of creating healthy, lifelong eating habits for the future generation. and Poppets baby food provide baby plant based nice foods.


Eat sustainably and help save the planet by cutting down on your carbon footprint. Going vegan is the perfect opportunity to do this, and you won’t believe how tasty some of the offering until you try.

Above vegan trends in 2023 are growing in market and industry.

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Source: foodmatterslive, foodinstitute