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Some useful tips to rid of condensation in UK home(German clever trick on condensation)


One in five UK properties affected by condensation. British homes tend to suffer more when it comes to condensation because of outdated materials and building methods that trap water inside the interior of the home.

Rentokil conducted research into the problem and found that 5.8 million British home renters have experienced a problem with condensation, which is is worrying about. Landlord and councils are seldom willing to help solve the issues.

Condensation issue is seasonal especially in winter. To know what causes condensation happens and what the result is important to be healthy. Condensation can lead to mould in air and room at home. There are various ways to solve it.

Wiping windows daily with a sponge is simple easy way. Checking regularly if mould happens on window frame, walls and ceilings in every room is necessary. Because it’s easy to remove mould on them at the beginning of the mould development even in old houses.

Some reasons of condensation in UK home in winter and health issues

British houses tend to suffer form condensation in winter because of outdated materials and building methods that trap water inside the interior of the home in UK.

The condensation is caused by warm air meeting cold surface like walls, windows and metal surface. When the temperature decreases in winter, air moisture retention is reduced, and water is formed on the surface.

condensation and mould. Landlordzone

Sudden rises and falls in air temperature can make a condensation problem much worse. Water vapour evaporates and condenses every time your central heating turns on and off.

It’s proven that a constant low heat is much more effective to manage a damp problem, than fluctuation of hot and cold temperatures. Cold spots on walls are also an issue when it comes to condensation buildup.

NHS England states in that mould can create allergens, irritants and even toxins. Mould spores can float in the air and be inhaled by humans creating issues such as runny noses, coughing, red eyes, sneezing and stuffed neck.

Tips to rid of condensation including a German trick

Open the windows for minutes in rooms by turn every day and wipe windows daily and check regularly if there is mould on window frames, the walls and ceilings and rub it whenever you find it, which is enough to keep your home mould free without any bleach and extra equipments.

When it is necessary or it’s bearable to spend money on fan, insulation and dehumidifier, you can do it. Then you need not to wipe windows daily. To build home properly first considering condensation is more important.

The bathroom and kitchen are the main culprits in the generation of condensation and water vapour, install an extractor fan in each of these rolls to expel the warm air and stop it settling on cold surfaces.

Air at home is naturally moist because of activities such as washing, cooking, showering and bathing the problem can always be present, If this condensation is allowed to remain it can cause permanent damage to furniture, and walls, causing mould to grow and become difficult to remove.

Make sure it is turned in every time you go to shower, wash or cook. A proper cooker hood with an extractor fan is the perfect way to expel such condensation causing warm air from your kitchen, too.

A good wall insulation that can maintain a higher wall surface temperature is very useful. Cavity wall insulation or loft insulation are some of the ways you can achieve this.

In Germany they have a clever trick to help manage condensation called ”Stossluften”.

Apparently instead of opening one window all day, they open every window in the house for around 3 minutes, creating a very strong draught which expels all the warm humid air from the house, and exchange it with cold air from the outside.

Because cold air contains less water vapour, it will be less of a problem and cause less condensation buildup, if at all. If the cold dry air enters the home, it starts to warm up, and once warmer it’s able to take up some of the extra humidity in your home.

The technique may sound strange but it actually works to manage this very difficult problem. Try it a few times a day and you’ll see a massive improvement in condensation issues.


Every problem has its remedy. It’s relieving condensation doesn’t happen around the year at all. There are easy, simple and efficient ways to be out of the issues.

Open windows is good and necessary for ventilation too. It’s worth making some effort to wipe windows daily in winter. Most of all, to build a house properly regarding of condensation is necessary.

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Source: rentokil